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Emergency Closure

Bad Weather Advice for Parents


School will be closed only in extreme conditions or when insufficient staff are able to get to school.


If the Weather is Snow or Icy Overnight


As soon as the decision is made to either close the school or to remain open a message will be sent via email or text using the contact information you have provided. A message will also be put on the rolling banner on the home page of the school website ( as soon as possible. Announcements will be made on Radio Cornwall, Pirate FM and Heart FM, a list of schools closed is also available on the Cornwall Council website Please do not ring school – we need to keep the lines clear for emergencies.


Only Bring Your Child to School If You Think It Is Safe To Do So


Please let us know you are unable to get your child to school, either by e-mail ( or send a text message to 01579 212007 (this is an automated number and will only accept text messages


Please remember to let the Choughs Club manager know if you are unable to get to school (call or text 07505 487 226 but please use this number ONLY to contact Choughs Club).


If you are unable to get in first thing in the morning but the weather improves later in the day children should come to school as soon as it is safe to do so. Registration will be held open for those children who come in late.


IMPORTANT - Please send your child with a packed lunch as our cooks do not live nearby and may not be able to get in to provide a school dinner if the weather is bad. During the last period of snowfall the weather conditions delayed the delivery of food and so you may need to be prepared to provide packed lunches for a few days.


If the Weather Deteriorates During the Day


If we decide to close the school a text message will be sent to parents to ask them to collect their children from school. We will endeavour to contact parents by telephone if they do not have a mobile phone. If you have contact with other parents it would be of great help if you could ‘spread the word’ so that children can be collected as quickly as possible. Please do not ring the school as we need to keep the lines clear to contact parents and the appropriate authorities.


If the weather worsens where you live and you consider it may be unsafe to wait until the end of the school day please come and collect your child straight away (there is no need to call school beforehand). If you have any doubts please come and collect your child – both their and your safety is our prime concern.


Please remember the school taxi may not be able to run so children who use the taxi may need to be collected


We really hope these arrangements will not be required!


