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The School Day



 The usual school timetable is as follows:


8.30am                            Arrival

8.40am                            Gate shuts and Registration

8.45am                            Assembly

9.00am                            Lessons begin

10.30 – 10.45am              Playtime


12.00pm -1.00pm             Lunch Time


1.00pm                            Afternoon session begins

3.10pm                            End of school

3.10 - 4.00pm/4.10pm     After school clubs take place


Weekly hours: 32.5


Before and After School Care


We also offer before school care from 8am in the morning and after school care until 6pm in the evening. This is provided through our Choughs Club which is run on the school premises. 




A daily 15 minute assembly is held. On Monday this takes the form of a Hymn Practice in the hall. On Tuesday and Wednesday the whole school follows a weekly theme, again in the hall. On Thursday assemblies take place in the classrooms with an internet safety (Evolve) programme and a Skills programme alternating. On Friday a Celebration Assembly is held in which achievements are celebrated and children may show any certificates, trophies or medals that they have been awarded. 

Visitors sometimes lead or contribute to assemblies, for example, the Open the Book Team lead an assembly fortnightly.


Additional Information



Although drinking water is usually available in school, the water fountains are currently out of bounds so we ask that children bring their own bottle of water to school. 



KS1 and Reception children are provided with a piece of fruit daily as part of the Government’s initiative.  The children in Key Stage 2 are permitted to bring a piece of fruit or some vegetables to eat during playtime if they wish.

