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Class 2

Mrs Marshall

Mrs Burrow

🌱 Spring Term 🌱

📊 Computing 📊


Class 2 have been learning how to present data using block diagrams. We started by looking at the block diagrams we produced in Maths last half term before creating our own on J2 data and answering some questions.


🌍 World Maths Day 🌍


To celebrate World Maths Day, we took our learning outside. Working in groups, we completed challenges finding halves, thirds and quarters of groups of objects.

🎲 Maths 🎲


This week, we started our fractions unit. In our first lesson, we completed lots of practical activities finding equal and unequal groups. We had lots of fun as well as showing excellent mathematical thinking. Well done Class 2!

 🐛 Science and Computing- Minibeasts and Micro Habitats 🐌


Class 2 have been learning about habitats in Science. We went on a minibeast hunt and then created Pictograms in Computing using the iPads. 


Thank you to Class 2 and their families for their generosity. 

Cornish Day

Class 2 had a wonderful day full of Cornish activities. We learnt to sing the song 'Gool Peran Lowen', listened to the story of St Piran, made a Gool Peran Lowen card, learnt the Cornish for 'How are you?' and some responses and made a 'Lowenmeter'. In the afternoon, we listened to the story of Kanker the crab and created our own collages. 

📚 World Book Day 2022 📚

📖 Literacy- Stories From India 🐘

We have been learning the Indian story, Lord Moon. We dressed up as the hares and elephants from the story to act it out. In the story, the hare tricked the elephants by pretending the reflection of the moon in the lake was alive and angry with the elephants for disturbing the hares. 

✖️Maths ➗

In Maths, we have been working on multiplication and division. The children have used practical equipment and images to answer questions and have started to work them out mentally too. Well done Class 2!

⚽️ Football ⚽️


Class 2 have been impressing us with their football skills.

Autumn Term

December 2021


December 2021


In science, we've had fun building bridges and testing their strength and rigidity.




December 2021

Christmas jumper day.

November 2021


In PE we have been learning to balance in different positions using benches and mats. We have also created a sequence of movements using rolls and jumps. 






November 2021


In maths, we have been learning all about money. We have identified different coins (pence and pounds) and notes. We have also learnt to count in pence and pounds. 





November 2021





November 2021


In art, we have been studying the work of Kandinsky. We then created our own Kandinsky paintings. 


November 2021


In Maths, this week we have been learning to subtract two 2-digit numbers using base 10.





November 2021


In science, we were testing the rigidity of different materials. 




October 2021


In Maths, we have been learning to order numbers from smallest to biggest and biggest to smallest.





October 2021

London Mini Marathon


The children in Class two enjoyed taking part in the London Mini Marathon.











September 2021


In Science, we have been exploring absorbent and waterproof materials. We have conducted a number of investigations. These have included testing which paper towels are the most absorbent and which hard materials cannot absorb water.






September 2021


In Art, we are learning about primary colours, tint and tone. This week we drew a Cornish cross then mixed different shades of grey and painted them. 



























September 2021


Over the past few weeks, we have been learning all about place value. We have used base 10, part-whole models and ten frames to identify the tens and ones in different 2-digit numbers.    

