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Governor Information

Governing Body 2023/24


Ms Elizabeth Clarke - Co-opted Governor 

Term 05.06.22 - 05.06.26


Mrs Michelle Green - Co-opted Governor

Term 05.02.23 - 04.02.27


Mrs Alison Burrow - Foundation Governor

Term 29.07.22 - 29.07.26 


Mrs Jennie Harrison - Co-opted Governor

 Term 10.09.22 - 10.09.26


Mrs Louise James - Staff Governor

Term 05.01.20 - 05.01.24   


Mrs Margaret Juckett - Co-opted Governor 

Term 14.10.22 - 14.10.26   


Mrs Iris Maslen - Co-opted Governor

Term 1.1.21 - 1.1.25  


Mrs Emma Pascoe-Parish - E/Parent

Term 16.03.20 - 16.03.24


Rev'd Lesley Selman - Co-opted Governor

Term 04.02.22 - 04.02.26


Mrs Emma Grange - Co-opted governor

Term 06.07.2023 - 05.07.2027


Ms Beatriz Catalan - Foundation Governor

Term 01.10.2023 - 30.09.2027


Mrs Amanda Raynham-Dobb - Headteacher


Governing Body Committees


Finance & Buildings:

Mrs Raynham-Dobb

Mrs James

Mrs Juckett (advisor)

Mrs Catalan - Chair


Curriculum and Wellbeing:

Mrs Burrow

Mrs Juckett

Mrs Raynham-Dobb

Mrs Clarke - Chair




Mrs Harrison

Mrs Green

Mrs Raynham-Dobb (Advisor)





Pupil Discipline:

Mrs Maslen



Headteacher Performance Management:

Mrs Maslen

Mrs Clarke


Subject Governors

Spiritual, Cultural and Moral Education     Mrs Burrow

PSHE                                                         Mrs Burrow

RE                                                             Mrs Burrow and Rev Selman

Safeguarding                                             Mrs Grange

Literacy                                                    Mrs Clarke

Whistleblowing                                         Ms Clarke

Art and Music                                           Mrs Harrison

Early Years                                               Mrs Harrison

Community Link                                       Mrs Harrison

SEND                                                        Mrs Juckett

Data                                                         Mrs Juckett

Behaviour                                                 Mrs Maslen

Governor Training                                     Mrs Green

Stakeholders                                             Mrs Green


