Sports Premium
Sports Premium Overview
Menheniot Primary School's Vision Statement
Be happy, be kind, reach for the stars
“To be a leading village primary school where every individual is
welcomed, respected, motivated and enabled to develop their diverse abilities,
within a happy, stimulating and challenging environment.”
At Menheniot Primary School we believe that PE & Sport play an important role in making our vision statement a reality for every pupil and that it has the potential to change young people's lives for the better. We welcomed the Government's announcement in June 2013 to provide additional funding to improve the provision of physical education (PE) and sport in primary schools. We are committed to using this resource in developing high quality PE lessons and in providing greater opportunities for sporting competitions and clubs for all our young people.
What Does the Sport Premium Mean for My School?
"Schools must spend the additional funding on improving their provision of PE and sport, but they will have the freedom to choose how they do this." (DfE, June 2013)
At Menheniot Primary School we have split up the funding by the three key areas for consideration: Physical Education, Healthy Active Lifestyles and Competitive Sport. We are spending the Sport Premium Grant on the following:
- To increase participation in sport
- To improve and develop teacher skills
- To ensure that all children reach their sporting potential
- To improve the quality of PE provision
- To promote a healthy lifestyle, impacting on progress and attainment
- To ensure that good foundations are laid in Key Stage 1
- To be inclusive
We work to a three year plan which specifies how we intend to use the funding each year. We are part of Arena, a Sports Partnership, based at Callington Community College, which provides staff development opportunities and competitions and leagues. Liskeard School and Community College also provide the children with opportunities for inter-school sports and competitions.
In addition to the above, we focus on a different sports coaching programme each year, using specialist coaches. Teachers receive staff development through working with the coaches and observing. Feedback has been very positive and the majority of staff feel that they have up-skilled as a result.They have also had the opportunity to observe the children in their classes and this has resulted in an improved awareness of the progress and attainment of individuals, their strengths and weaknesses. Teachers have then used this to inform their PE planning to ensure that they meet the needs of the children within their class.
As a result of the construction of a climbing wall and a walking/running track, the children have been more active at playtimes and have improved their coordination and stamina.
What is the impact? What have we achieved so far?
- We frequently participate in local competition and have achieved considerable success in inter-school competition
- Pupil enthusiasm is high. Annual surveys show that increasing numbers of children enjoy PE and Sport in school. Comments made by pupils include: 'I am excited about PE, I look forward to PE, I like it when I run around the field, I like circuits. I love sports and thank you for keeping me fit at Menheniot Primary School.'
- Pupil involvement is high. All children are fully involved in Sport and PE and have the opportunity to participate in a wide range of sports.
- Staff confidence in teaching PE has increased as a result of working alongside experienced coaches. One member of staff, when surveyed said that 'coaching has given me new ideas and greater confidence'. This was echoed by the other responses received.
- Staff knowledge and understanding of teaching sport has increased and attitudes are very positive.
- The introduction of an outdoor Table tennis table and a climbing wall have led to greater activity levels and have been appreciated by the children whose comments have included that they enjoy being able to play table tennis and the climbing wall has given them new skills.
- Children have been motivated to join clubs and sporting activities outside school. Each year we aim that 100% of children will have attended an extra-curricular sporting club during the academic year.
- The emphasis on PE and Sport has had a positive impact on the children's knowledge and understanding about the importance of keeping fit and healthy. They are able to talk at length about the benefits of keeping fit and of being active and about about how important it is to eat a balanced diet and to look after themselves.
We aim to increase pupil involvement in sport, to encourage all pupils to participate in after school sporting clubs and to continue to provide specialist coaching.
Staff knowledge and skills are continually being upgraded due to access to training opportunities and through working with the sports coaches. As a result the teaching in PE has improved and the teachers have a better bank of ideas for delivering the PE curriculum.
We hope, that through giving the children opportunities to be involved in different sports, that they will find a sport that they particularly enjoy and that they will continue to participate in once they leave Menheniot and that the enthusiasm that they have for sport and PE will continue. When discussing health and fitness with the children, they are able to explain all the components for a healthy lifestyle and know what they need to do in order to keep fit and healthy. We hope that they will continue to build upon this knowledge and understanding as they move into secondary education and beyond.