Class 3
Mrs James
Mother's Day Cards - In art we have been making cards.

Computing - Branching database.

Red Nose Day - We wore our red noses and ate biscuits with a red nose made from jam.

Music - Playing instruments together as a class.

Science - We have been making shadows in science.

We enjoyed our field trip to Liskeard to develop our mapping skills.

We have been raising money for Ukraine.

Science - Spinners

DT - We have been tasting and making scones.

Music - We have been learning to play tuned instruments.

Science - We have been making skeletons.

World Book Day
Art - In art we have been making pom-poms as part of our textiles unit.


DT - Christmas Tree Decorations

Christmas Jumper Day
In history we have been learning about the Stone Age. In art we have made Stone Age jewellery from clay.

In music we have been learning to play the glockenspiel.

In DT we have been designing and making Christmas decorations.

Making Fire - Wild Tribe

Mini London Marathon. Class 3 completed 2.6 miles.

Science Experiment - matching rocks to their description.

Science Experiment - testing for permeability

Wildtribe Stone-Age activities