Class 6
Mrs Heathcote
Computing, Antarctic Collages and a visit from the Easter Bunny!

Taking part in a Shakespeare workshop and exploring the play of Macbeth

Making Cornish Fairings with Mrs Geary for St Piran’s Day

Making fairground rides for D.T

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Wild Tribe First Aid Day.
Class 6 had the opportunity to explore the importance of first aid and gain some basic first aid knowledge and skills through practical work.

Art designs inspired by the work of the artist Kehinde Wiley.

Intra-school football tournament.
Despite the cold weather, Class 6 enjoyed competing with Class 5 in the football tournament. Everyone participated really well and supported each other.

Christmas Jumper Day!
Class 6 joined up with Class R to take part in the Santa run.

Working collaboratively in Jigsaw and Class assembly sessions.

Modifying creations made by others using Scratch.

In computing, we talked about working collaboratively on a project using different devices. Children had to send messages to each other using Google Classroom to communicate and create a group project about Greece.
In music, we learnt to sing the song ‘Happy’ by Pharrell Williams and learnt how to play backing parts using glockenspiels.

Running the last mile for the mini marathon!

Class 5 have been working together in gymnastics lessons to create short routines incorporating a range of balances and rolls.