Class 4
Contact the Class Teacher

Year 4
Teacher: Mr Haslam
Welcome back!
I hope you all had a lovely Easter break and you are feeling refreshed and ready to go. We will be continuing our Egypt unit for the first few weeks this term and continuing to work on decimals in maths. We will be starting a new literacy unit focused about writing a diary entry. This will be linked to our guided reading books.
I will be taking a keen interest in reading this term and will be checking the children’s reading diaries everyday to see how they are progressing. A small amount of reading each night makes a huge difference! I will also be pushing times table practice this term and will be sharing with you each week what times table we will be working on. Children will need to practise that times table for a test at the end of the week.
Other information:
- PE remains on a Thursday and Friday. Children will need their PE kit on these days.
- Parent's evening is on Tuesday and Thursday via Zoom/phone. I will be emailing the link out on Monday.
- Spelling test and Times-table tests will continue to be on a Friday.
- Homework will be set on a Monday and is due in on a Friday.
Classroom - Ready for the new term!

This week in Class 4
What a fantastic final week class 4 had! This week has been non stop and the children have achieved so much! A big well done to them. They all took part in our vegetable curry project which involved them preparing and making their own vegetable curry. The children all loved this project and enjoyed eating the food! We also completed our explanation texts about how to make a mummy and finished decorating our Canopic jars.
As always I am super proud of the amazing attitude of Class 4. They continue to be dedicated, motivated and all round brilliant!
Hope you all have a lovely Easter.
Mr Haslam & Mrs Geary.
Art - Canopic Jars

Science - Animals.

Design and Technology - Vegetable Curry.

Computing Project - This term.

For our computing unit this term, we created our videos. These videos where all about our school! The children shot and edited the videos themselves.
Computing project - School tour video.

For our computing unit this term, we created our videos. These videos where all about our school! The children shot and edited the videos themselves.
PE - Basketball Final Session.

RE- Easter Story

This week in Class 4:
What a fantastic week in class 4! We achieved so much this week and the children are doing amazingly since returning to school. This week we finished our fractions unit in maths and we continued to work on explanation texts in literacy. In computing, we are working on something very special. It involves creating and producing their own videos. We can’t wait for you to see the final product.
We have also had a very active week. On Thursday we had an amazing Gymnastics lesson and on Friday the children enjoyed another great lesson from Plymouth Argyle.
Canopic Jars.

Basketball - Plymouth Argyle Led Coaching.

Canopic Jars - Painting.

Gymnastics- Flight Unit.

Gymnastics - Flight Unit.

Computing - Creating a School Promotion Video.

This Week in Class 4:
Welcome back! Our first week back was amazing! We started our new literacy unit all about explanation texts. We created our very own story map and came up with some actions to help us remember our model text. We then created our toolkit for success. This will help us create some amazing explanation texts.
This week we also continued our Ancient Egyptian unit. We created our Canopic Jars out of clay and the children did some amazing creations. Also this week, the children enjoyed a virtual lesson for Science Week. This was all about animal care and involved learning about how to examine and look after a cow. Finally, Plymouth Argyle also led basketball coaching for Class 4 this week. The children enjoyed this very much.
Science Week - Animal Care Virtual Lesson.

Creating Canopic Jars - Clay Modelling.

Explanation Text - Learning our model text.

In this video we practised our actions that we use to help us remember our model text.
Explanation Text - Story Map

This week in Class 4:
This week was the last week before all the children return to school and what a week it was! We celebrated World Book Day on the Thursday and the children produced some fantastic outfits. We created our own book review and book cover for our favourite books.
On Friday we also celebrated St Pirans day! We created our very own Cornish Flags with all the fantastic things about Cornwall. We also created and baked some Cornish Fairings which the children enjoyed eating!
St Piran’s Day.

World Book Day Potatoes

World Book Day - Oufits

This Week in Class 4:
In our first week back after half term we started a new unit all about Ancient Egypt! This included starting our Canopic Jars project. This week we learned all about Canopic Jars and designed our own.

This week in Class 4:
It is the last week before half term. Everyone has been fantastic since January and we all deserve a well earned break. Before we break up, we will be finishing our newspaper report unit. The children will be planning, writing and editing their own newspaper.
In maths, we are moving on to fractions and in Geography we will be finishing our London and Rome unit. On Friday, we will be having a recall quiz to check that the children have remembered everything that we have learnt. This will give them a chance to check up on their knowledge and speak with their friends on Zoom.
PHSE - Achieving a goal
Class 4 have been thinking about the steps we need to take to achieve a goal. As part of this unit, the children had to design and create a potato character. Here is some of their amazing designs.

Virtual Classroom
Class 4 have been awesome online learners this term. Their attitude has been superb and their effort can not be questioned. Below is their virtual classroom where they go to get their work they need to complete for the day. Children simply click on a object and it takes them an area of their work. How exciting!
This week in Class 4:
We are super busy this week in Class 4. In literacy we are starting a new unit that focuses on newspaper reports. We are going to look at a newspaper that is all about Ananse a character from our previous unit. We are going to look at the features of a newspaper report and then we will be creating our own newspaper reports on a character!
In maths we are moving to a new unit of work. We will be focusing on area but we will also be continuing to recap multiplication and division. We are continuing to focus on Times Tables by using Hit the Button and BBC Super movers.
We are still comparing London and Rome in our geography unit. This week we are learning all about Italy. We are looking at the geography of Italy including the mountains and lakes, cities, climate and temperature of Italy.
A very exciting week! Keep up the good work at home class 4!
January 2020 - Stories from another culture.
Despite learning from home, class 4 have created some fantastic stories about an African character called Ananse. The children have included fronted adverbials and expanded noun phrases which was a focus for the unit. Below there are some amazing examples of our stories.

January 2020

December 2020
Winter Display
Class 4 enjoyed creating these pictures for the entrance area display on Winter.
Roman Bullas - Part 2
Sewing them was a challenge!
December 2020
Design and Technology - Roman Bullas
Class 4 have recently been working on designing Roman Bullas in their Design and Technology lesson. They drew their designs and made a prototype. Next week they will sewing and decorating them. Here are a selection of their designs.

December 2020 - Christmas!
Class 4 is feeling very Christmassy. We have put our Christmas tree up and the children have decorated the tree with some tinsel and other decorations. The children loved taking part in putting up the tree and we are now very excited about Christmas!
December 2020 - Science
Class 4 learned all about the water cycle with Mrs Parker-Jones. They even did some amazing diagrams to demonstrate their knowledge!

December 2020 - French
During French this term we have been focusing on animals. This game allowed us to match the French names for animals with the pictures. The children have been amazing at discovering the French names for certain animals. Ask them all about it!

November 2020
We have just started a new unit focusing on playscripts. During this lesson, the children had to act out the scene and work out which story it was re-telling.

Our working walls
Class 4