All schools must provide a curriculum that is broadly based and balanced, and which meets the needs of all pupils. Under section 78 of the Education Act 2002 and the Academies Act 2010 such a curriculum:
- promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils at the school and of society, and
- prepares pupils at the school for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life.
PSHE education is essential to such a curriculum and to meeting schools’ requirement to promote pupils’ wellbeing. The Department for Education (DfE) has made it clear that schools should make provision for PSHE education, drawing on good practice.
Aspects of Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education are covered every day in every class. We aim that the children at Menheniot Primary will become confident, independent and well-balanced individuals who are keen to contribute positively to society.
On their journey through life there will be challenges every step of the way and we aim to give them the knowledge, skills and attributes to tackle the emotional, social and moral issues that they will face as they grow up. We would like them to be aspirational for themselves and to have the perseverance and commitment to achieve their personal goals.
We encourage the children to be kind, caring and thoughtful towards each other and to be respectful of individual differences. We encourage them to be happy and to feel at ease with themselves and their environment, to be proud of their achievements and to do their best every day. As a school situated in rural Cornwall, we feel that it is essential that the children are well-prepared to live in a multi-cultural society and that they respect and appreciate cultural differences. PSHE is about preparing for life and our aim is to equip the children with all the tools that they need.
PSHE includes SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Education) and is delivered both informally and formally in our school. It is delivered informally through discussing issues with children as the need arises, for example through talking to children about friendships, the importance of thinking about each other and the importance of respecting personal space. British values are reinforced on a daily basis and the children learn to respect individual differences and diversity.
Formally, we teach PSHE using the Jigsaw Scheme of Work. This is in line with the DfE statutory and recommended guidelines (September 2020) which identifies three core learning themes: health and wellbeing, relationships and living in the wider world. Jigsaw is a comprehensive programme which has a strong emphasis on ‘emotional literacy, building resilience and nurturing mental and physical health’.
It incorporates the statutory Relationships and Sex Education and Health Education and is progressive so that children build on their knowledge, understanding and skills each year. All classes study six half termly units of work which fit together.
These units are as follows:
Being Me in My World – understanding my place in the class, school and global community
Celebrating Difference – Anti-bullying and diversity
Dreams and Goals – goal setting, setting aspirations for yourself and the world and working together
Healthy Me – includes drugs and alcohol education, self-esteem, confidence and healthy lifestyle choices
Relationships – understanding friendship, family and other relationships, conflict resolution and communication skills
Changing Me – sex and relationships education in the context of coping positively with change
The links below give some further information about Jigsaw and some information about Relationships, Sex and Health Education.
Many PSHE topics are covered within daily assemblies which are based on themes connected to health, spiritual and moral education. Each year we recognise special awareness days and weeks such as Mental Health Day and Anti-Bullying Week. Assemblies are also often centred on special festivals and events, environmental awareness and global issues. The School Council often leads on topics such as ‘Keeping safe in Winter’ or ‘Friendships’ and children frequently participate in adult-led assemblies. Assemblies are also a time when any topical news items are sensitively discussed if it is appropriate. There is a celebration assembly weekly and children talk to the others about their achievements. In addition certificates are distributed for different aspects of PSHE such as being kind, working with effort, persevering and helping others. Displays throughout the school reinforce aspects of PSHE and the children regularly participate in community events, such as the Menheniot and Pengover Show. |