Welcome to the Governors section of this website
We hope you find all that you need to know about the way in which our governance operates and who we are. If you have any questions or want to know more about being a governor please do contact me.
Elizabeth Clarke, Chair of Governors
Clerk of Governors
Minutes of the Governor's Meeting
A copy of the minutes can be requested from the school office.
The Governor's Role
All state funded schools are required to have a Governing Body. Governors play a very important and responsible role in schools. They are involved in decision making, not just in the management of the school but also in school development and in the undertaking of new initiatives. They work as a team with the Headteacher to ensure that high quality education is provided and they are responsible for the school’s aims and policies.
Being a Governor is an immensely rewarding role. Governors come from all areas of life and you do not need to have a child at the school in order to become a Governor. Being a Governor is a good way to contribute to the community.
Governors have a number of key roles. They are legally responsible for:
ensuring that a high standard of education is provided for pupils
maintaining the safety and well-being of pupils and staff
ensuring that the public funds allocated to the school are spent wisely and properly accounted for.
They are instrumental in providing a direction and vision for the school, they act as a ‘critical friend’ to the Headteacher and they ensure accountability. They monitor performance and evaluate, and support the Headteacher in their management of the school. Other roles include appointing staff, setting and monitoring the budget.