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Covid Catch Up Premium


All mainstream schools will be receiving an allocation based on £80 per child.

£80 x 161 pupils = £12,880 

This funding is intended be used for specific activities to support  pupils in catching up for lost teaching over the previous months, in line with the curriculum expectations for the next academic year.


We are using a proportion of our funding for:


Additional Teaching Assistant and Teacher hours to provide:

Intervention groups to support reading and comprehension

Intervention groups to support Maths

Smaller phonics groups

1:1 Reading sessions 

Support for personal, emotional and social needs


We are also accessing the DfE National Tutoring Programme and 8 of the KS2 children are receiving tutoring after school through this. A further 10 children in KS1 and Year 3 are receiving after school tutoring provided by some of our Teaching Assistants. 


We will assess the impact of this funding through:

Data Analysis

Work Scrutiny

Observation and discussion

Pupil Conferencing



