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Class R

Class 1 - Mr Collacott

July: Alternative Sports Day - Zumba and Archery

July: Exploring the moth catcher

July: Sports Day

July: Election Day - Favourite Sport

June: Hannafore Beach Trip

June: Drawing Club

June: Paired Reading

June: Pond Dipping

May: Active Learning

May: Drawing Club - Bill and Ben

May: Using tens frames and dice frames to make number bonds to 10

April: Nature number lines working with a partner

April: Active Learning

April: Exploring with colour

March: Experience Easter in our local church

March: Repeating Patterns

March: Life Cycles - We found frogspawn, tadpoles, frogs, toads and newts found in our environmental area pond

March: Cops and Robbers Drawing Club

March: We had a visit from our local policeman

March: World Book Day

March: St Piran’s Day making Cornish fairings

March: RWI - paired reading

March: Painting Spring bulbs to make bunting

February: The Little Red Hen Drawing Club

February: Starting map work with Percy the Park Keeper

February: Working together to build a wobbly path and dens