Our aim is to promote the highest possible standards of language and literacy so that children leave Menheniot Primary School able to communicate confidently and effectively. We place an emphasis on the acquisition of these basic skills through teaching English as a subject in its own right and by building in opportunities to apply literacy skills across the curriculum, for example, writing historical stories in History having researched the facts needed.
Phonics Scheme Used
The scheme used in Reception and Key Stage 1 is Read, Write, Inc.
Spoken language underpins reading and writing and opportunities to extend speaking and listening skills are fully utilised in every curriculum area throughout the day, for example, children may explain a calculation method to each other, or orally present their findings in a geography project to the class. Through oral communication, pupils develop their vocabulary, grammar, imagination and understanding. We aim for our pupils to speak fluently and confidently and to listen with sustained concentration. Through drama and role play (both improvised and scripted), children explore their ideas and those of others.
We encourage a love of books and reading, so that the children read for both pleasure and for information. Teaching focuses on word reading and comprehension. In the Reception Class, a priority is given to phonics, allowing the children to de-code and to quickly recognise words. These skills are built upon through regular supported reading sessions in small groups throughout Key Stage 1 and 2. Comprehension skills are developed through high quality discussion and by the children experiencing a wide range of books and material. We regard it as essential that all children can read fluently, independently, confidently and with understanding by the end of Year 6.
From Year 2 onwards Vipers and Accelerated Reader are used.
Every year the children are able to participate in the school reading challenge. Through doing a number of exciting activities related to books, they are able to earn bronze, silver, gold and platinum badges. Details of this year's reading challenges are below.
We have a well stocked library which was updated during the Autumn Term 2023. Children have a weekly opportunity to borrow books from the library and a team of librarians work hard to ensure that the library is tidy and well-organised.
The librarians often organise reading and book activities to enthuse the other children. We also often have a Secret Reader on a Friday lunchtime (a member of the community/ parent/member of staff) who runs two story sessions, one for KS1 and one for KS2. Our Chair of Governors also opens the library on a Wednesday lunchtime for children to browse and read.
One of our Secret Readers running some book-related drama activities with the children.
Writing incorporates transcription (spelling and handwriting) and composition (articulating ideas and structuring them). In Key Stage 1, discrete sessions on phonics and spelling take place and in Key Stage 2, these form part of a structured literacy lesson. Spelling Shed is used across Key Stage 2 for Spelling. The children learn to express their ideas confidently, using an increasingly wide range of vocabulary and with a progressive understanding of grammar. They learn to write in a variety of genre, with an awareness of audience and purpose and with fluent and legible handwriting.
Read Write Inc
Here are some videos that will help you to support your child's reading at home.