Class 4
Mr Haslam
Class 4
Teacher - Mr Haslam
Teaching Assistant - Mrs Mee
Teaching Assistant - Mrs Roobottom.
Victorian Class 4
Victorian Day - Activities

Amazing Victorian day costumes!

PE - Outdoor Adventure.

Summer Term - Timetable.
Welcome Back!
I hope you have had a fabulous Easter! We had an amazing term and I can’t wait for the next one to begin. Only one term to go until they are in Class 5. Time flies when you are having fun!
Next term, our topic is called ‘The natural world’. We will be looking at how rivers work and the amazing water cycle process. Our history topic this term, will be the victorians. We will also be focusing on bridges and at the end of the term, the children will make their very own bridges!
Homework will continue to be on Monday and spelling tests will be on a Friday. PE will be regularly on a Thursday and Friday so the children will need their PE kit on this day.
World Book Day

Shared reading with Class 1

Mayan Weaving


Safer Internet Day

Paired reading

Computing - Editing images.

Weaving - ART

Computing - Fake images

PHSE - Potato making competition.

Roman Bullas

More Roman Shields!

Roman Shield - Homework Project!

Wild Tribe

Wild tribe - Roman Coins

RE - Hinduism - Our different sides

London Mini Marathon

Roman Gods - Fact Files

Autumn 1 - Timetable
History - Persuasive posters to join the Roman Army!

Visit to the church to pay respect to the Queen🇬🇧

Proclamation of the King

This week in Class 4:
This week has been very eventful but the children of Class 4 have dealt with it excellently. They have settled in instantly and they already done some terrific work. We started our maths unit on place value and we have also started practicing our times tables. We have also been learning about our table names which are named after a famous Cornish person. The children used iPads to research their famous person and produced their first piece of writing on this.
We have also started our Roman topic. We have learned about where the Romans fit on a historical timeline and the difference between BC and AD. Finally this week, we have been completing our teacher portraits for the children to keep when the leave Class 4. Some of the children have done a excellently job at drawing me!
Next week, will be paying respect to the Queen at the local church on Wednesday. We will be signing the local condolence book and we will be watching the Queen’s journey to where she will lay in state. Later in the week, we will be writing a letter to the new Duke and Duchess of Cornwall to welcome them to Cornwall. We will be sending this directly to them.
Thanks for you support,
Mr H.
Football - PE

Gymnastics - Lesson 1