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Curriculum Organisation


English is taught in blocks of work relating to different genre of writing. Grammar, spelling, phonics, handwriting and reading comprehension are taught either as part of the literacy lesson or as separate sessions throughout the day, depending on the age and ability of the children. Reading sessions usually take place in the afternoon and consist of individual, group and whole class reading depending on the year group. All children are heard read regularly by an adult.


In Reception and Year 1, the children are split in to phonic ability groups and Read, Write, Inc is taught. Further information is available in the separate subject areas on this website. 


In Year 2 , some children continue with Read, Write, Inc whilst others move on to Accelerated Reader. Writing is taught through blocks of 1, 2 or 3 weeks relating to specific genre, such as instructions, poetry, stories from different cultures and stories in familiar settings. 


Each week they have spellings to learn at home although in Reception, the literacy homework consists of phonic related activities. 


In Key Stage 2, spellings and phonics continue to be differentiated and may be taught as part of the lesson rather than as a separate session. Spelling Shed is used for teaching Spelling across KS2. Much of the writing is cross-curricular and the children learn to develop a cursive script and a deeper understanding of grammar conventions.


Opportunities for activities directly linked to learning in ‘Speaking and Listening’ are identified in both medium and short term planning. They include:

  • Plenary sessions at the end of lessons
  • Discussion as part of learning in all subjects
  • Drama and role play
  • Use of tape recorders and video equipment
  • Being part of the School Council
  • Assemblies and other opportunities for speaking in public
  • Productions


There is:

  • A dedicated Maths lessons every day
  • Direct teaching and interactive oral work with whole class and groups
  • An emphasis on fluency and development of mastery
  • Controlled differentiation with all pupils engaged in mathematics relating to a common theme.


The White Rose Mastery Maths Scheme is used.


Children are usually grouped according to ability and tasks are differentiated accordingly. The classroom is organised to allow for a variety of whole class, ability group work, year group work, mixed ability, paired and individual work, where appropriate. Children are encouraged to work both independently as well as collaboratively. Problem solving is taught across all mathematical areas and the children have opportunities to investigate their mathematical ideas and theories. They often apply their mathematical skills across the other curriculum subjects. Discussion plays an important part in all aspects of mathematical teaching and is central to developing a mathematical vocabulary. IT is also used regularly to support and extend learning.


The Foundation Stage follows the EYFS Guidance (DfES) and the White Rose Mastery Scheme. The children work on the sections entitled ‘Numbers and Shape and Space and Measures’. Through this they develop their early mathematical ideas. Early concepts, such as comparing and counting, help lay the foundation for later concepts and help lead to the understanding of number in later years.


Practical resources are used and these include dienes, counting apparatus, number lines and individual whiteboards. Teachers select materials and resources as appropriate to best support the children.


The school uses as wide and varied a range of teaching and learning styles as possible so different types of learners are catered for. The methods chosen may also depend on the content and requirements of the topic. Pupils will work as a whole class, in groups, pairs and individually on investigations, both at first hand and by research from secondary sources such as the school library, reference material, use of the internet, discussion and project work. Science is mainly taught as a topic but it is also taught as a cross-curricular subject.


It is taught for approximately 1 – 1.5 hours a week in Key Stage 1 and 2 – 2.5 hours a week in Key Stage 2.

The curriculum encompasses the statutory content of Curriculum 2014 but this is also enhanced with extra content so that the children experience both breadth and depth of scientific concepts.


 Our Scheme of Work provides numerous opportunities for the children to explore and share their thoughts, ideas and feelings through a variety of art forms. The Reception children work on the objectives outlined in the “Creative Development’ section of the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework.


The children use chrome books and iPADs. These are used by classes on a timetabled basis and are used both for Computing lessons and across the curriculum, as a teaching tool and as a resource. Each class also has an Interactive Whiteboard.


The Computing content in Curriculum 2014 is followed and further information about the Scheme is available in the separate subject areas on this website. Reception children are taught to acquire basic skills in operating IT equipment and to perform simple functions as they work across the curriculum. They interact with age-appropriate software and use everyday technology to support their learning.


Internet safety is given a priority in our school. All the children are taught how to stay safe on the internet and no child is permitted to use the internet unsupervised.

Design and Technology

Design and Technology is mainly organised as part of a topic, and it provides opportunities for pupils to apply their knowledge and understanding from many aspects of their learning, with particular emphasis on Literacy, Science, Mathematics and Art. Food Technology is also taught in each class.


The geography objectives from Curriculum 2014 are arranged in topics. Each class studies 3 topics annually. The Reception objectives are taken from the ‘Development Matters in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)’.


 The geography curriculum is delivered through first-hand experience of the local area, whenever possible. Other localities have also been chosen in order to meet statutory requirements and to provide a contrasting study. Even where not specified, countries will be studied under topics such as water, rivers, mountains, earthquakes and volcanoes. These will include a mixture of near and far, developed and developing countries.


History is taught through topics which cover the specified content outlined in Curriculum 2014. Some topics relate to the local area.


Each KS2 class receives teaching in French. This is taught as a separate subject for half an hour a week during alternate half terms, and as a cross curricular link. In addition KS1 also learn some basic vocabulary in preparation for learning French in Key Stage 2.


  The children also learn some Cornish language as part of Cornish Day and throughout the year as part of

  the Go Cornish Scheme. 



At Menheniot Primary School visiting specialist teachers provide opportunities for individual and group lessons for strings, percussion, drums, recorders and woodwind. The Foundation Stage follow the EYFS curriculum. The children work within the theme of ‘Creative Development’. Through this they to learn to respond, explore, express and communicate their ideas and to use their imagination. Throughout the year children are encouraged to perform in the daily acts of worship. Visits by local musicians within the community are also welcomed, and provide inspiration and stimulation for our children to progress further in their field of musical development. Music is taught through the award winning Charanga programme.

Physical Education (PE)

PE in the Foundation Stage is based on Arena. Through the different units, children develop and practise their fine and gross motor skills and to increase their understanding of how their bodies work and what they need to do to be healthy and safe through short, intense, daily sessions.


KS1 and KS2 also follow the Arena Schemes.

Through this, they experience a combination of dance, games, gymnastics, ball sports, athletics and outdoor adventurous activities throughout the year, completing blocks of lessons on each.


In addition specialist coaching is given in many sports, more recently, in football, tennis, cricket, dance and athletics.

Outdoor Education activities are conducted in short, concentrated bursts during Key Stage 2, culminating in a week’s residential experience in Y6. During the residential week, children are involved in activities such as sailing, canoeing, abseiling, orienteering and walking (depending on the centre and the opportunities available).

Religious Education (RE)

RE is taught through:

  • one dedicated lesson a week
  • a wider topic
  • occasional connections with the schools programmes of assemblies


The Foundation Stage follow the Cornwall Agreed Syllabus 2020-2025. Religious Education is taught through the ‘Knowledge and Understanding of the World’, Communication and Language and Personal, Social and Health Development. There is a particular emphasis on Festivals.


During Key Stage 1 and 2, pupils study many aspects of religion based on the Cornwall Agreed Syllabus 2020-2025. This requires the teaching of Christianity and a choice of 5 other World Religions, represented in Great Britain. We also teach about the Cornish- Celtic heritage of Christianity and Secular world views, in keeping with the requirement of the Cornwall Syllabus.

Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE)

Daily opportunities are used to provide experiences through which the pupil may gain a better understanding of him/herself and others. The Jigsaw Scheme of Work is followed and some of the content of PSHE  is also taught through cross-curricular themes, within Science, RE, PE, Geography and History. Wherever possible, use is made of visiting speakers and of promotional material from the Health Authority.

Teaching strategies include many opportunities for informal discussion and practical tasks. PSHE  is taught in an effective and meaningful way and through a balance of individual, group and class activities. The subject matter relates to the age, maturity and past experiences of the children and those areas requiring sensitivity will be dealt with appropriately.
