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Class R

Mr Ian Collacott

June: Working together to create rock stack art

June: Rockpool Safari

June: Exploring the moth catcher

June: Virtual Talk with Wembury Marine Centre

June: Group Painting Blue Whales

June: Meeting the chicks a week later to see how much they’ve grown

June: Hatching Chicks

May: London Landmarks for the Queen’s Jubilee

May: Making Fairy Doors

April: Meeting the Easter Bunny

April: Visit from one of our local police officers

April: Working together to fill our new tyre planter. We found lots of wildlife while we moved the soil.

April: Weaving with wool

March: Exploring and Creating

March: Independent Writing and Number Activities

March: World Maths Day Activities

March: Preparing our poly tunnel, sowing seeds and working together

March: Tavy 13 Primary Challenge

March: Practical Number Activities

March: Physical Development on large apparatus

March: World Book Day

February: Making kites for ‘igh’ fly high on our very windy Wellie Wednesday

February: Working together to construct a den and giant marble run

February: Reading Ditty Books

February: Observational Drawing of Superworm’s Minibeast Friends

February: Applying Phonics

February: Our Doctor Visit

February: Threading sounds to make CVC words

February: Using magnets to move objects around letters and line patterns

February: Chalk Writing

February: Searching for Superworm and his friends

January: Constructing Buildings for Superheroes

January: Sorting dominoes to match the Numberblocks

January: Chalk Writing

January: Superworm pictures using materials found in our local environment

January: Our Faces in Nature

January: Balance Ability

December: Christmas Cards and Decorations

December: Outdoor Learning

December: Christmas Reindeer Hats

December: Christmas Jumper Day

December: Winter Art

December: Numbers

December: Role Play

December: Reading

November: Exploring Colour and Shape

November: Numeracy

November: Remembrance Day

November: Wellie Wednesday

November: Wax Resist Fireworks

November: Literacy

October: London Mini Marathon

October: Physical Development

October: Wellie Wednesday

October: Numeracy

September: Numeracy

September: Physical Development

September: Exploring the Wellie Wednesday area
