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Standing Orders

  • All Governors of Menheniot Primary School agree to abide by the attached Code of Conduct and in accepting an appointment or nomination to the Governing Body each acknowledges acceptance of the code.


  • The election of the Chairman and Vice Chairman of Governors is held at the first meeting in the academic year.  Nominations will be requested in writing and appear on the agenda.  If more than one nomination is received for either office a secret ballot may be held for the particular office.


  • The Governing Body agree the number of Governors required for each committee at the first meeting in the academic year.


  • The Headteacher is an ex officio member of the Curriculum and Finance and Buildings Committees and advisor to the Personnel and Appeals Committees.


  • Each committee elects its own Chair and Vice-Chair at its first meeting each year.


  • The quorum for committees is 3 of the appointed Governors.


  • There are 6 committees: Finance and Buildings inc Health & Safety, Personnel, Curriculum and Wellbeing, Pupil Discipline, Appeals and Headteacher’s Review.


  • Each committee records its activities in writing and reports back to the full Governing Body.


  • The Curriculum and Wellbeing, Finance and Buildings and Personnel Committees hold at least one termly meeting.  The Appeals, and Pupil Discipline Committees meet as required.


  • The Headteacher’s Review Committee meets at least 3 times in the academic year.