Our Computing Curriculum
At Menheniot Primary School, we aim to provide the children with the skills and knowledge necessary to use technologies safely and creatively. Over time, the children will become increasingly more independent using technologies, be able to work collaboratively when solving complex problems and develop resilience when finding solutions by learning from mistakes. Technology is everywhere and will play a pivotal part in students' lives.Therefore, we model and educate our pupils on how to use technology positively, responsibly and safely. We want our pupils to be creators not consumers and our broad curriculum encompassing computer science, information technology and digital literacy reflects this.
At Menheniot, we follow a scheme of work from the National Centre of Computing Education called Teach Computing. Computing is taught across the curriculum and the children experience a wide range of apps and software within EYFS, KS1 and KS2. In EYFS they use the technology regularly within lessons to support all areas of learning.
Cross- curricular links enable the children to make connections and also offer an opportunity to recall previous learning and to apply it. Each lesson is individually planned and referenced against the 2014 National Curriculum (see below) to ensure that the statutory requirements are met. Subject knowledge is more in-depth and specific with increasingly complex skills as the children move up the school, building upon the firm foundations acquired in EYFS and KS1, eg in KS1 the children learn about algorithms and in KS2 they apply their knowledge to design, produce and debug programs.
The units for key stages 1 and 2 are based on a spiral curriculum. This means that each of the themes is revisited regularly (at least once in each year group) and pupils revisit each theme through a new unit that consolidates and builds on prior learning within that theme. This style of curriculum design reduces the amount of knowledge lost through forgetting, as topics are revisited yearly. It also ensures that connections are made even if different teachers are teaching the units within a theme in consecutive years.
The children in all classes study 6 dedicated units a year along with e-safety, They are:
- Computing systems and networks
- Creating media A
- Creating media B
- Data Information
- Programming A
- Programming B
All year groups have the opportunity to use a range of devices and software for many purposes across the wider curriculum as well as in discrete computing lessons.Computing lessons are delivered weekly with each class having an allocated slot for equipment. Seesaw is used to evidence children’s learning.
We also follow Project EVOLVE which is a free digital literacy toolkit that supports online development in children and young people. Every Thursday children take part In a E-safety lesson about a specific area of online safety. Evidence of the children’s responses are recorded on seesaw.
A thorough implementation of the Teach Computing curriculum and Project EVOLVE will have the following impact for the children in Menheniot:
- The children will have been taught, understand and can apply the subject content with reference to the computing programme of study.
- The children are able to articulate their understanding of computing science, digital literacy and information technology. They are able to give examples of ways to stay safe on-line and recognise acceptable/unacceptable behaviour.
- Children will be able to talk enthusiastically about different technologies and how to use them.
- Our children will enjoy and value Computing and know why they are doing things.
- Children will understand and appreciate the value of Computing in the context of their personal wellbeing and the technological, creative and cultural industries in the wider world and their many career opportunities
- Children will become digitally literate and be able to participate in our ever changing digital world.
Progress in Computing is demonstrated through regularly reviewing and scrutinising children’s work, to ensure that progression of skills is taking place through:
- Looking at pupils’ work, especially over time as they gain skills and knowledge.
- Observing how children progress in lessons.
- Talking to them about what they know and enjoy in Computing.
Digital Leaders:
At Menheniot Primary School we have an expert team of Digital Leaders led by our computing lead Mr Haslam. A digital leader is a KS2 pupil who is part of a digital leaders’ team within their school, their role is to support the use of technology across the school. Each year, all pupils are encouraged to apply for the post. Last year we had 64 applications. Digital leaders do a variety of jobs including:
- Support the use of iPads and computers in school to support learning
- Share their skills and expertise with other pupils, classes and teachers.
- Assist teachers and other pupils in understanding coding applications.
- Set up equipment in classrooms for teachers.
- Support teachers in using technology in the classroom.
- Have a good understanding of how to stay safe with technology and share that with others